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classifications, instantly.

Upload product information, and receive

the HTSUS classification supported by

relevant legal references and interpretative


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> 50%

More accurate classifications using Tarifflo than manual HTSUS classification*

*Average classification time determined through industry experience. Item complexity and classifier experience can influence this number.


Classification cost savings by using Tarifflo*

*Average classification cost determined through internal survey of brokerage firms and industry experience.


Faster classifications by using Tarifflo*

*Average error rate determined per Canada internal HS audit in 2019. Actual error rates may change by industry.

The Challenge of Tariff Overpayment

Navigating the complex world of tariff classifications can lead to significant overpayments.

Not only does our expertise help you navigate this complexity for new shipments, we will help you recover overpaid tariffs within the last 300 days.


Listings in the World Customs Organization’s Harmonized System


of respondents report difficulty with HS classification

Our Approach

We combine cutting-edge AI technology with human expertise to optimize your tariff classifications and reclassifications for your Post Summary Corrections.

High Accuracy

AI-driven reclassification for precision

Legal Precedent

Backed by relevant legal references

ACE Completion

Ready-to-file ACE document preparation

PSC - Pay After Reimbursement

No upfront costs - pay only after savings